What We’re Writing, What We’re Reading

What We’re Writing

Patrick Bond, South African Student Protests

Brandon M. Taylor and James K. Boyce, Air Pollution Co-Benefits Associated with the Healthy Climate and Family Security Act of 2014

Sunita Narain, Who Can Touch Diesel?

What We’re Reading

Polly Cleveland, Dead Empires: How China May Overtake the U.S.

Nina Eichacker, German Financialization, the Global Financial Crisis, and the Eurozone Crisis

Sabri Öncü, People’s Quantitative Easing: A Jeremy Corbyn Proposal

Prabhat Patnaik, The Slogan of “Make in India”

Robert Pollin, The New Green Economy: Think We Can’t Stabilize the Climate While Fostering Growth? Think Again

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What We’re Reading, What We’re Writing

What We’re Writing

C.P. Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh, Understanding “Secular Stagnation”

Martin Khor, Debate on TPPA Will Continue

Sunita Narain, Dengue, Another Climate Alert

Matias Vernengo, Branko Milanovic on Global Inequality

What We’re Reading

Nina Eichacker, Too Good to Be True: What the Icelandic Crisis Revealed about Global Finance

Robert Pollin and Shouvik Chakraborty, An Egalitarian Green Growth Programme for India

Franklin Serrano, Brazil´s Sudden Neoliberal U-Turn

Rachel Thrasher, Dario Bevilacqua, Jeronim Capaldo, Trade Agreements and the Land: Investment Agreements and Their Potential Impacts on Land Governance

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What We’re Writing, What We’re Reading

What We’re Writing

Edward B. Barbier, Nature and Wealth: Overcoming Environmental Scarcity and Inequality

Regular Triple Crisis contributor Patrick Bond participated in a recent forum with Capital in the Twenty-First Century author Thomas Piketty at the University of the Witwatersrand. A short account of Bond’s reflections on Piketty is available at the link just below, and several other contributions to the discussion of Piketty’s analysis and its relevance to South Africa today are in the “What We’re Reading” section:

Patrick Bond, Can World’s Worst Case of Inequality Be Fixed with Pikettian Posturing?

What We’re Reading

Prabhat Patnaik, The Refugee Crisis

Piketty and South Africa (h/t Patrick Bond):

Raymond Parson, Piketty’s Fix for Inequality in Sync with Development Plan

Imraan Valodia, What South Africa Can Learn from Piketty about Addressing Inequality

Vishnu Padayachee, Piketty’s Contribution to Unpacking Inequality: Timely and Relevant

Vishnu Padayachee, Piketty’s ‘Capital’: Perspectives from the South

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What We’re Writing, What We’re Reading

Follow Triple Crisis on Twitter (@TripleCrisis) and get immediate updates when new posts appear!

What We’re Writing

Patrick Bond and Ana Garcia, BRICS: An Anti-Capitalist Critique

Gus Van Harten, Matthew C. Porterfield, Kevin P. Gallagher, Investment Provisions in Trade and Investment Treaties: The Need for Reform

Timothy A. Wise and Biraj Patnaik, Destruction of U.S. Credibility at WTO

What We’re Reading

Shouvik Chakraborty, India’s Economy Can Grow Without Increasing Carbon Emissions (video)

Leila E. Davis, Charalampos Konstantinidis, Yorghos Tripodis, A Proposal for a Federalized Unemployment Insurance Mechanism for Europe

Haider A. Khan, The Enabling Developmental State in the 21st Century

Global Development and Environment Institute, Leontief Prize for Advancing the Frontiers of Economic Thought (2016)

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What We’re Writing, What We’re Reading

What We’re Writing

Martin Khor, When So Many Lives are at Stake

Léonce Ndikumana and Lynda Pickbourn, The Impact of Foreign Aid Allocation on Access to Social Services in sub-Saharan Africa: The Case of Water and Sanitation

Nathaniel Cline and Matías Vernengo, Interest Rates, Terms of Trade and Currency Crises: Are We On the Verge of a New Crisis in the Periphery?

Timothy A. Wise, Two Roads Diverged in the Food Crisis: Global Policy Takes the One More Travelled

What We’re Reading

Dan La Botz, The Agony of Mexican Labor Today

Prabhat Patnaik, The Devaluation of the Yuan

Manuel Riesco, Commodity Supercycle: A “Myth” Explained

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What We’re Writing, What We’re Reading

Follow Triple Crisis on Twitter (@TripleCrisis) and get immediate updates when new posts appear!

What We’re Writing

Yuan Tian and Kevin P. Gallagher, Housing Price Volatility and the Capital Account in China (This is the full paper whose key findings are summarized in the earlier Triple Crisis blog post, Regulation and Volatility in China’s Financial Markets.)

Jayati Ghosh, Emerging Markets in Retreat

Martin Khor, Economy Facing Its Greatest Test

Sunita Narain, Back to Toilet School

What We’re Reading

Deepankar Basu and Debarshi Das, Profitability and Investment: Evidence from India’s Organized Manufacturing Sector

Andrew Cornford, The Financial Reform Agenda: Impact and Inclusiveness for Developing Countries

Anita Dancs and Helen Scharber, Do Locavores Have a Dilemma? (This is the full article from which the earlier Triple Crisis blog post Local Food and the CASTE Paradigm was excerpted.)

Robert Pollin, Heidi Garrett-Peltier, James Heintz, and Shouvik Chakraborty, Global Green Growth: Clean Energy Industrial Investments and Expanding Job Opportunities

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What We’re Writing

C.P. Chandrasekhar, The Search for India’s Bulky Middle

C.P. Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh, Looking Back at Debt Relief for the Germans

Gerald Epstein and Juan Antonio Montecino, Banking From Financial Crisis to Dodd-Frank: Five Years On, How Much Has Changed?

Sunita Narain, Food for nutrition, nature and livelihood

Matias Vernengo, Europe in its Labyrinth, Greece on its Knees

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What We’re Writing, What We’re Reading

What We’re Writing

Gerald Epstein, Banks: How Big is Too Big?

Ali Kadri, Ancient to Modern Mashriq

What We’re Reading

Reforming the Future: Lessons from Sovereign Debt Restructuring, Atlantic Council

Prabhat Patnaik, Misconceptions About Neo-Liberalism

Jomo Kwame Sundaram and Vladimir Popov, Income Inequalities in Perspective

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What We’re Writing, What We’re Reading

What We’re Writing

Jayati Ghosh, North Cyprus: Complicated, Contradictory, Charismatic

Sunita Narain, The Earth for You

What We’re Reading

Jeronim Capaldo, Overcooked Free-Trade Dogmas in the Debate on TTIP, Global Development and Environment Institute (GDAE)

Edward A. Cunningham, The State and the Firm: China’s Energy Governance in Context, Global Development and Environment Institute

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What’s We’re Writing/What We’re Reading

What We’re Writing

Sunita Narain, How Power Can Be Cleaned

Rebecca Ray, Kevin P. Gallagher, Andres Lopez, and Cynthia Sanborn, China in Latin America: Lessons for South-South Cooperation and Economic Development

Alejandro Reuss, Climate Change: What Is It? What Causes It? What Can We Do About It?

What We’re Reading

Deepankar Basu and Debarshi Das, Profitability in India’s Organized Manufacturing Sector: The Role of Technology, Distribution, and Demand

Nancy Folbre, Accounting for Care: A Research and Survey Design Agenda

Esteban Pérez Caldentey, Miguel Torres and Romain Zivy, Interview on Neo-Structuralism

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