Spotlight Rio+20: Rich nations backtracking as Rio Summit nears

Martin Khor

Rio+20, the UN Conference on Sustainable Development culminates in a meeting this month in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil just after the 20th anniversary of the 1992 Earth Summit and the adoption of Agenda 21. The Spotlight Rio+20 series, which this post begins, invites our bloggers and other experts to analyze different aspects of the sustainable development negotiations, and how these, in turn affect the bigger picture of finance, development, and the environment. To find our latest material in this series, please click on the Spotlight Rio+20 category. You can also follow TCB on our Twitter and Facebook pages.

As the Rio summit on sustainable development nears, governments have yet to agree on most issues, while rich countries are backtracking on the original principles and commitments made 20 years ago.

With only ten days to go before the start of the UN Conference on Sustainable Development in Rio de Janeiro, the countries are still far from agreeing on what to say in a summit declaration or plan of action. The final meeting to prepare for the Conference last week in UN headquarters in New York made some progress to narrow the gaps, but it was not enough.

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