What We’re Writing, What We’re Reading

What We’re Writing

Frank Ackerman, TTIP vs. Climate Policy: What’s at Risk?

James K. Boyce, Klara Zwickl, and Michael Ash, Measuring Environmental Inequality

See a related Triple Crisis post by Zwickl, Ash, and Boyce here.

Juan Antonio Montecino and Gerald Epstein, The Political Economy of QE at the Fed: Who Gained, Who Lost, and Why Did It End?

Listed to Triple Crisis co-editor Alejandro Reuss’s recent interview with Gerald Epstein here.

Fei Yuan and Kevin Gallagher, Greening Development Finance in the Americas

See a related Triple Crisis post by Gallaher here.

Jayati Ghosh, Horrors of Occupation

Sunita Narain, Intolerance in Paris

What We’re Reading

Andrew J. Barenberg, Deepankar Basu, and Ceren Soylu, The Effect of Public Health Expenditure on Infant Mortality

Jomo Kwame Sundaram, Hidden Hunger, Hidden Danger

Marty Wolfson, The Fed Raises Rates: By Paying the Banks

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