Spotlight Cancún: Climate Economics and Policy Resources

Another in a series from the Triple Crisis Blog and the Real Climate Economics Blog on the Cancún Climate Summit.

Frank Ackerman’s comprehensive book on climate economics: Can We Afford the Future: Economics of a Warming World
Frank Ackerman et al., “The Economics of 350
James Boyce, “Cap and Dividend, A State By State Analysis
Climate-L, a knowledge base of UN and intergovernmental activities addressing climate change policy
Earth Negotiations Bulletin
IATP series on Climate and Agriculture: Cancun 2010
ICTSD on trade and climate change
IFPRI on the impacts of climate change on agriculture
IISD Reporting services
Official UNFCCC website
Official Mexico’s COP16 website
Nalin Kulatilaka, “Green Revolution 2.0: A Sustainable Energy Path
South Centre, “Addressing Climate Change through Sustainable Development and the Promotion of Human Rights
The UN on Development and Climate Change
The World Bank on Development and Climate Change
UNCTAD’s World Investment Report 2010: Investing in a low-carbon economy

One Response to “Spotlight Cancún: Climate Economics and Policy Resources”

  1. Yes! Finally someone writes about operating system.