Climate Change Negotiations: A Collection of Post-Cancún Analyses

Miquel Muñoz

It has been twelve weeks since the conclusion of the UN Climate Change Conference in Cancún. There were mixed feelings on the Cancún outcome. While many felt that, in substantive terms, not much was achieved, the agreement was also perceived as process-saving, especially when compared with the Copenhagen debacle a year earlier, and thus the closing session in Cancún met with thunderous applause.

Official climate change negotiations will resume in Bangkok, Thailand in early April. There, work will continue for the working groups on Long-term Cooperative Action (AWG-LCA 14) and on Further Commitments for Annex I Parties under the Kyoto Protocol (AWG-KP 16). The agenda includes, among others, issues such as a global goal for emission reductions and global peaking, adaptation, MRV for developed and developing countries, the registry, forests financing, technology, capacity building and market/non-market mechanisms. The Bangkok meeting will be the first in preparation for the next UN Climate Change Conference (COP 17), to take place in Durban, South Africa, November 28 –December 9, 2011. As such, no particular outcome is expected, other than progress towards an eventual deal in Durban (or beyond).

Since Cancún, many experts have published their analyses, commentaries and other resources on that conference. These range from descriptions of the Cancún meeting and analysis of its agreements, to the implications for a wide array of issues, from climate-specific such as REDD, finance, technology and adaptation, to wider-reaching and longer term issues such as trade, security, human rights, migration, Rio+20, ethics, and the future of the UN and multilateralism. For those interested in those analyses and commentaries of the Cancun negotiations and implications, I offer with this post a collection of such resources.

The collection is organized as follows: TripleCrisis postings are listed first, followed by a listing, in alphabetical order of the issuing institution. Please note: although extensive, this is not a comprehensive nor systematic compilation, and I apologize for any omissions. An updated version will be posted in two weeks. If I have missed your organization, article or blog post, please kindly let us know in the comments section and it will be added to the updated version.


Triple Crisis Blog
Tom Athanasiou, EcoEquity and Greenhouse Development Rights: Cancún Success – Compared to what?
Ahmed Abdel Latif, ICTSD: The New Climate Mechanism, an Opportunity to Seize
Kelly Sims Gallagher, CIERP, Fletcher School Tufts University: The Road to Rio
Martin Khor, South Centre: Strange Outcome of the Cancún Conference and Complex Implications of the Cancún Climate Conference
Ricardo Meléndez-Ortiz, ICTSD: At Cancún, an Elephant Fills the Room and yet Remains Elusive
Frank Ackerman: Climate Defeats Come from Washington, not Cancún

Spotlight Cancún also featured Cancún contributions by:
Elizabeth A. Stanton, Stockholm Environment Institute;
Aaron Leopold, Global Governance Institute;
Pablo Suarez, Boston University’s Pardee Center and IIASA;
Kristen A. Sheeran, Equity and the Environment Network;
Janot Mendler de Suarez, Global Oceans Forum Working Group on Oceans, Climate & Security;
Nathan Russell, CGIAR;
Alan AtKisson, AtKisson Group;
Graciela Chichilnisky, Columbia University;
Eban Goodstein, Bard Center for Environmental Policy;
Adil Najam, Boston University’s Pardee Center;
Kevin Gallagher and Frank Ackerman, Global Development and Environment Institute;
Miquel Muñoz, Boston University’s Pardee Center.

Outcomes of the Cancun Climate Conference: An ActionAid Analysis

Agriculture and Rural Development Day
Agriculture Day Blog

BASIC Ministerial Meeting
Joint statement of the the Sixth BASIC Ministerial meeting on Climate Change Feb 26-27 2011

Brookings Institute
Nathan Hultman: The Cancun Agreements on Climate Change
Katherine Sierra: Climate Change: The Path from Cancun[podcast]

Carbon Positive
Daniel Bodansky: Cancun: Foundation for climate progress

Cancun analysis: Starting the REDD+ dance

CISDL – Centre for International Sustainable Development Law
Sébastien Jodoin: From Copenhagen to Cancun: A Changing Climate for Human Rights in the UNFCCC?

Other released in Cancún:

Freya Baetens: Foreign Investment Law and Climate Change: Legal Conflicts Arising from Implementing the Kyoto Protocol through Private Investment
Sébastien Jodoin: Rights-Based Framework for Climate Finance
Sarah Mason-Case and Marie-Claire Cordonier Segger, International Law and Climate Finance
Benoît Mayer: International Law and Climate migrants
Frederic Perron-Welch: Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation: Mexico’s Solution for Offsetting Emissions while Respecting Indigenous and Local Community Rights
Josh Roberts: Linking Climate Change with Biodiversity-Related Multilateral Environmental Agreements
Marie-Claire Cordonier Segger and Markus Gehring: Trade and Investment Implication of Carbon Trading for Sustainable Development
Sean Stephenson: Making Jobs Work: The Right to Work, Jobs and Green Structural Change
Charlotte Streck: How Climate Change can Catalyze Sustainable Land-Management
Verki Michael Tunteng: Legal Aspects of Climate Change Policy
Patricia Parkinson and Andrew Wardell: Legal Frameworks to Support REDD Pro-Poor Outcomes

Climate Change TV
Interviews collected at Cancun from negotiators and observers
Additionally, the Climate Change Studio got to speak to representatives from over 130 NGOs, IGOs and Parties. Their diverse messages can be accessed here.

Climate Focus
CP16/CMP 6: The Cancún Agreements Summary and Analysis

The Climate Group
Post-Cancún Analysis

Climate Strategies
Benito Müller: UNFCCC – The Future of the Process: Remedial action on process ownership and political guidance

Cancún De-briefing: An Analysis of the Cancún Agreements
Joelle Westlund: Cancun Agreements a success? and Climate talks end in disappointment
Veronika Shirokova: Cancun Agreements on Technology Transfer

Democracy Now
Cancún Coverage

International climate financing – From Cancún to a 2°C stabilisation pathway

Energy Business Reports
Can We Call the Cancun Agreements a Success?
Understanding the 2010 Cancun Agreement [PAID ARTICLE]

Farming First
Video interviews with:
Sam Bickersteth – Senior Advisor Climate Change and Agriculture at UK DfID
Andrew Steer – Special Envoy for Climate Change at the World Bank Group
Peter Minang – World Agroforestry Centre
Lloyd Le Page – CGIAR
Bernard Giraud – Danone

FIELD – Foundation for International Environmental Law & Development
Antonio La Vina, Lawrence Ang & Joanne Dulce: The Cancun Agreements: Do they advance global cooperation on climate change?

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Foundation
Michael Mehling: From “Brokenhagen” to “Cancún Can!”. The Cancún Climate Summit and its Significance forTransatlantic Relations

Friends of the Earth International
Phil Lee: The betrayal at Cancun

Harvard Project on Climate Agreements
Robert Stavins:Why Cancun Trumped Copenhagen: Warmer Relations on Rising Temperatures
What Happened (and Why): An Assessment of the Cancun Agreements

Additional Pre-Cancún:
Robert Stavins: Defining Success for Climate Negotiations in Cancun

Heinrich Böll Foundation
Lili Fuhr and Ingrid Spiller: Where does international climate policy stand after Cancún?

Cancun Outcomes for Local Governments

ICTSD – International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development
Cancun Climate Summit Exceeds Low Expectations, But Sidesteps Trade Issues

Institute for European Studies, Vrije Universiteit Brussels
Sebastian Oberthür: Global Climate Governance after Cancun: Options for EU Leadership

Institue of Green Economy
Promode Kant: Cancun Technology Breakthrough Should Deal with a Fatal Flaw Within
Promode Kant, Swati Chaliha and Dr Wu Shuirong: The REDD safeguards of Cancun

IISD RS – International Institute for Sustainable Development – Reporting Services
Earth Negotiations Bulletin: Summary and Daily reports, pictures, side events, etc.

Oxford Institute for Energy Studies
Benito Müller: Time to Roll Up the Sleeves – Even Higher!

Penn State
Donald Brown: An Ethical Analysis of the Cancun Climate Negotiations Outcome

Pew Center on Global Climate Change
Summary of the Cancún Agreements by the Pew Center on Global Climate Change

Additional Pew Center reports and policy briefs released in Cancún include:
Strengthening International Climate Finance
Strengthening MRV
MRV: A Survey of Reporting and Review in Multilateral Regimes
Daniel Bodansky and Elliot Diringer: The Evolution of Multilateral Regimes: Implications for Climate Change
Chris Lang:
The Cancun agreement on REDD: Four questions and four answers
FERN report on REDD in Cancun: “increased risk that REDD activities will fuel conflict, undermine forest peoples’ rights and fail to reduce deforestation”
Guyana’s president Bharrat Jagdeo caught lying in Cancun: “We have decided to protect our entire forest”
How Kevin Conrad dismissed NGO requests not to weaken safeguards in the REDD text in Cancun
Four reactions to Cancun: Via Campesina, Bolivia, Friends of the Earth International and Indigenous Environmental Network

Stakeholder Forum
COP 16 Wrap Up Edition, including:
Sunita Narain, Centre for Science & Environment (CSE): The Cancun Endgame: Bad for us, Bad for the Climate
Christoph Schwarte, FIELD: COP16: Consensus, Legality and Power
J.Timmons Roberts, Brown University & Martin Stadelmann, University of Zurich: “A Collective Commitment”? Nailing down Climate Finance in Cancun and Durban
Mike Shanahan, International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) Journalists from climate-change frontline kept world’s eyes focused on COP16
Beverly Natividad: Cancun’s ‘rushed’ forest deal
Women’s Environment and Development Organization (WEDO): Cancun Climate Negotiations: Taking Great Strides for Women’s Rights and Gender Equality
Sébastian Duyck, Focal Point for the Youth Constituency to the UNFCCC: In the Absence of Success, shall we cheer for not having fully failed?
Maruxa Cardama, Secretary General, Network of Regional Governments for Sustainable Development (nrg4SD): Cancun Climate Change Talks – A tale of success stories
Jack Cornforth & Nicola Williams, Stakeholder Forum: Irish Commitments at Cancun
Yunus Arikan & Anke Stoffregen, ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability: The world after COP16
Alex Start, Negotiations Tracker for the US: Cancún Conclusion

UNFCCCCancún Decisions and Conclusions
The Cancun Agreements. An assessment by the Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

Cancún Decisions and Conclusions:
COP 16
Part I COP 16 Report – Proceedings;
Part II COP 16 Report – Action taken by COP 16 (decisions);
Part II Addendum to COP 16 Report – Action taken by COP 16 (decisions)
Part I COP/MOP 6 Report- Proceedings;
Part II to COP/MOP 6 Report -Action taken by COP/MOP 6 (decisions)
Part II Addendum to COP/MOP 6 Report – Action taken by COP/MOP 6 (decisions)

AWG-KP 15 report
AWG-LCA 13 report

VertigO [FRENCH]
René Audet et Patrick Bonin: Les Accords de Cancún face aux enjeux des négociations internationales sur le climat

Worldwatch Institute
The Road from Cancún

World Resources Institute
Jennifer Morgan et al: Reflections on the Cancun Agreements

Pablo Solón: Why Bolivia stood alone in opposing the Cancún climate agreement
Achim Steiner: Viewpoint: Cancun can-do
Connie Hedegaard: Cancun climate deal holds out hope
Rohini Pande , Michael Greenstone: Daring to be different — and right
Aarthi S Anand: Will India capitalise on Cancun gains?
Saliem fakir: From Cancun to Durban – what’s in store for the next 12 months?
African Union – Newsletter
Oppenheimer: The post-Cancun climate change climate
Maria Luisa Vargas: Cancun Has Good News for the United Nations
Timothy Gardner: Analysis: Carbon markets to struggle after Cancun
Alaa Khourdajie: Comprehensive review of Cancun Climate Agreements and prospects for CoP17, 2011
JoNova: Cancun in a nutshell: nothing achieved but it’s a Big PR Success
Sustainlabour: Never less than in Cancun and much more in Durban…

10 Responses to “Climate Change Negotiations: A Collection of Post-Cancún Analyses”

  1. Chris Lang says:

    Very useful post – thanks! You asked for links to other analyses of Cancun for an updated version. Here’s one from

    The Cancun agreement on REDD: Four questions and four answers

    All of redd-monitor’s posts about Cancun are available here:

  2. Timothy A. Wise says:

    Also, publications from the South Centre, including the March 2011 piece:
    Khor: Complex Implications of the Cancun Climate Conference

  3. […] Muñoz, Climate Change Negotiations: A Collection of Post-Cancun Analyses, Triple Crisis (Mar. 3, […]

  4. […] The Triple Crisis Blog has a useful collection of post-Cancun articles and analysis. […]

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    The trick was well received around critics and consumers alike; in September 2010 sales exceeded three million downloads, four million in December 2010, and greater than 20 million across all platforms in Walk 2011. In May 2012 Fruit Ninja reached 300 million downloads, and was on sole third of all US iPhones. Reviewers felt that the downcast cost of the plan combined with addictive gameplay yielded an the best value. They remote lauded the support and updates provided by Halfbrick, who brought online multiplayer, achievements and leaderboards to the game. Some critics felt the tournament’s hindrance curve was uneven.!-! Fruit Ninja (known as Fruit Ninja HD on the iPad and Fruit Ninja THD in requital for Nvidia Tegra 2-based Android devices) is a video trick developed not later than Halfbrick Studios in Brisbane, Australia. It was released April 21, 2010 in return iPod Touch and iPhone devices, July 12, 2010 in behalf of the iPad, September 17, 2010 as a replacement for Android OS devices. It was released recompense Windows Phone on December 22, 2010. Also, in Walk 2011, versions as regards Samsung’s Bada and Nokia’s Symbian began to be distributed on their several official practice channels. Righteous prior to E3 2011 Fruit Ninja Kinect was released for the Xbox 360 on August 10, 2011 and utilizes the Kinect peripheral. Fruit Ninja was also released in behalf of Windows 8 on June 7, 2012. An arcade adaptation called Fruit Ninja FX also exists. In the adventurous the especially bettor must slice fruit that is thrown into the air by way of swiping the motto’s close to partition off with their finger(s) or in the state of the Xbox 360 idea, the contestant’s arms and hands. It features multiple gameplay modes, leaderboards and multiplayer.
    The trick was fully received by critics and consumers similar to one another; in September 2010 sales exceeded three million downloads, four million in December 2010, and from 20 million across all platforms in March 2011. In May 2012 Fruit Ninja reached 300 million downloads, and was on sole third of all US iPhones. Reviewers felt that the worthless sell for of the game combined with addictive gameplay yielded an peerless value. They aid lauded the support and updates provided nearby Halfbrick, who brought online multiplayer, achievements and leaderboards to the game. Some critics felt the game’s hardship curve was uneven.